Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Before a new degree programme is launched, the proposed curriculum must undergo a prior evaluation, the initial validation or accreditation, which is carried out by quality assurance agencies. The aim is to ensure that the proposed curriculum has been designed in accordance with legal requirements and established quality standards.

The URV's efforts to create a map of its bachelor's and master's degree programmes has resulted in the Faculty of Oenology verifying the following degree programmes:

Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology

Verification report*

Register of Universities, Centres and Degree Programmes*
Publication of the curriculum in the Official Spanish State Gazette*
Discover more about its quality
External Evaluation Reports*

Bachelor’s Degree in Oenology

Verification report*

Register of Universities, Centres and Degree Programmes*
Publication of the curriculum in the Official Spanish State Gazette*
Discover more about its quality
External Evaluation Reports*

University Master’s Degree in Fermented Beverages

Verification report*

Register of Universities, Centres and Degree Programmes*
Publication of the curriculum in the Official Spanish State Gazette*
Discover more about its quality
External Evaluation Reports*

Erasmus Mundus Master's degree in Transitions and Innovations in Enotourism (WINTOUR)

*From academic year 2024-25, the International Master’s Degree on Wine Tourism Innovation (WINTOUR) has been renewed as Erasmus Mundus International Master on Wine Tourism Transitions and Innovations (WINTOUR).

Verification report until the 2024-25 academic year*

Verification report since the 2024-25 academic year*

Register of Universities, Centres and Degree Programmes*
Publication of the curriculum in the Official Spanish State Gazette*
Discover more about its quality
External Evaluation Report*

The Faculty of Oenology also participates in the following double bachelor's degree programmes:

* Documentation in Spanish.